Agricultural History Series

 Missouri State University

 1904 St. Louis Worlds Fair

Canada's Exhibit

Canada's Display featured both the crops and animals of the various provinces. 

Canada's Exhibit

Canada's Display

Close-up of the Canadian Exhibit

Close-up of the above.

A white cucumber was exhibited in the Palace of Agriculture.  This variety was bred from the White Spine cucumber.  The seeds were saved with intentions to preserve this specimen.  It was discovered at the Brandon, Manitoba, experimental farm. 

The Forest City Series from 1904 gave the following description:


No part of the world has made a stronger demonstration of its agricultural possibilities than has Canada at this Universal Exposition. The picture shows the arrangement of three thousand specimens of grains and grasses worked into a replica of one of the most handsome and most noted of Canada’s public structures—the Library of Parliament at Ottawa. Buttresses are built of millet. Into the decorations enter brome grass, a fodder crop grown in western Canada, appearing soon after snow leaves the ground. Wheat, oats, clover, blue grass, amid hundreds of other products of the soil contribute to the construction and covering of this octagonal building with spire extending sixty feet, almost to the girders of the Palace of Agriculture. Corn, the grain so conspicuous in the exhibits of the States, is wanting. The Canadian season forces growth but is too short for the maturing of maize. In the eight arches of the Octagon are large oil paintings illustrating as many branches of the live stock industry of Canada. Windows under the pointed arches are filled with bottles of grain. The interior walls of the octagon are lined with agricultural specimens. At the corners of Canada’s space are little booths each serving to impress in effective manner some agricultural industry.

Reference:  Journal of Agriculture 1904

This page is designed by Janet Thacker and is maintained by Lyndon Irwin

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