Agricultural History Series

 Missouri State University

 1904 St. Louis Worlds Fair

 The Cottolene Booth

Cottolene was a well-known product of the N.K. Fairbank Company.  The Cottolene product was situated in the big cotton section in the central part of the building.  The exhibit represented a model kitchen decorated in green and white, from the tiles on the floor to the cooking utensils.  The booth was furnished in detail with a gas range stove, cupboards, porcelain refrigerator, store-room and drying room, and a double counter with displays of doughnuts, pastries, cheese straws, tarts and cakes.  Miss Nelly Worcester, of the Boston Cooking School, would demonstrate the uses of Cottolene to the passing visitors.  She and her assistants wore the Cottolene colors of red and white.  Cottolene was an oil extracted from cotton and used for cooking.

 The Cottolene Display

The Cottolene Display

Reference:  The World’s Work Advertiser, article name:   The Fountain with the Twins. 

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