Agricultural History Series

 Missouri State University

1904 St. Louis Worlds Fair

University Extension Displays

The Livestock Congress Hall hosted an experiment station presented by colleges from several different states. The states and their demonstrations are listed in the table  below.

The photo to the right demonstrates principles of livestock judging.  The subjects were made of  plaster and were actually located in the Palace of Education. Click on the photo for more detail.

Wax men with fistulated stuffed bovine

  Experiments by State

Illinois: 48 head of cattle to be judged by students then slaughtered and put through block test demonstration.              
Minnesota: A demonstration of comparative feeding test of dairy and beef steers. Also an exhibit on methods of  killing, cooling, and cutting meats.                         
Tennessee: An exhibit of three lots of hogs fed different rations of corn, corn and protein, and corn and forage.
Wisconsin: An exhibit of using good rams on range ewes and the effects of high quality rations, followed by a slaughtering and block test demonstration.     
Missouri: Demonstration of 8 head of cattle representing influence of age on cost of production, influence of various grain rations on cost of production and cost of carcass, and measurements of animals.        
Iowa: An exhibit on crossbreeding shorthorns and galloway cattle, influence of different grain rations on economy, measurements of animals at different stages of growth.
Alabama / Florida: A demonstration on feeding hogs rations common to southern states.
Michigan: An exhibit demonstrating various feed rations on the quality of mutton, comparing corn and dried beet pulp and molasses in fattening lambs, followed by slaughtering and block test demonstration.

Several other states displayed dairy cattle with records extending over a period of years, indicating the characteristics of the dairy cow that gave profitable returns and those that were undesirable. These cows were used for lecture and demonstrations.

There were also demonstrations on agronomy in the areas of improving plant breeding, plant judging and selecting various kinds of grain.

Reference: Farmer and Stockman, July 14, 1904

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