Agricultural History Series |
Missouri State University |
1904 St. Louis World's Fair
Hackney Horse Show
Had it not been for the enterprise of Robert Beith from Ontario, the hackney show would have had a decidedly slim representation. Robert Beith won two Hackney championships at two worlds fairs and his imports presented at the 1904 fair brought much public attention. Beiths winning horses included Cliffe Rosador, who won the two-year old division; Priscilla, who won the mares; Terrington Bonnibel, another winning two-year old; and his winning stallion, Saxon.
The Hackney show was small but quality was high.
Henry Fairfax was the judge for this breed. He was a well-known breeder. He had been one of the earliest importers of the breed and was the most successful producer of heavy harness horses in the country by use of Hackney stallions. Overall, Robert Beiths stallion, Saxon, was the senior champion and then made grand champion. His mare, Priscilla, won female senior, and then grand female honors.
First prize winners were:
Stallions-Four years old or over: Saxon : Exhibitor R. Beith, Bowmanville, Ontario.
Stallions-Three years and under four: Truman's Cadet: Exhibitor Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, IL.
Stallions- Two years and under three: St. David :Exhibitor R. Beith
Stallions-One year and under two: Lord Meltonby : Exhibitor R. Beith,
Mare- Four years old or over: Priscilla : Exhibitor R. Beith
Mare-Three years and under four: Leading Lady: Exhibitor L.W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind.
Mare- Two years and under three: Terrington Bonnbiel: Exhibitor R. Beith
Mare- Under one year: Miss Barbara: Exhibitor L. W. Cochran
Four animals of either sex, any age, get of one sire- Pllottell: Exhibitor L.W. Cochran
Two animals of either sex, any age, produce of one mare: Lady Fashion: Exhibitor L. W. Cochran
Stallion and Four mares-Under three years: High Ball: Exhibitor L.W. Cochran
Stallion and Four mares- All two years old or over, bred by exhibitor: Scanton Electricity: Exhibitor L.W. Cochran
Worlds Fair Bulletin; Awards in the Live Stock Department., Worlds Fair, St. Louis, October 1904.
The Breeders Gazette. August 31, 1904.
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