Agricultural History Series

 Missouri State University

 1904 St. Louis World's Fair

Leicester Show

The Border Leicester was said to have returned “dollar for dollar” everything put into the animal. It was claimed that lambs from the Leicester X Cheviot cross proved in almost all cases that the animal was worth any necessary capital.  In 1904,  rams of this breed had to be strong boned and “horsey” like, in order to adequately breed a large number of ewes. The Leicesters at St. Louis were all the Border type of  Leicesters and “so far as the talent could agree it was superior as a whole to any similar exhibit ever made in the United States.”  

It was noted that the Champion Aged Ram (Sanford) was, “a  big block of sheep set up like a horse, with the right kind of a crest and the proper carriage to him. Sanford is not far from being the typical Border Leicester ram.”

In the junior yearlings there were some differences of opinion as to whether Major Murray or Advance should have the first-place award. However, Judge Marshall apparently found some reason that he did not like the Major and put him down in fourth place to the intense chagrin of the owners.

Leicester Ram

Smith's Champion Leicester Ram

Aged Rams

Groups and Championship

References: The Breeder's Gazette. 1904.

Photo from the American Sheep Breeder, October 15, 1904.

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