Early Residents

Moundville, Vernon County, Missouri

The C. H. Miles Family

Here are photos and information about the Miles family of Moundville shared by the Kelly Family of Indiana.

Charles Herbert Miles was born in Bremer County, Iowa on July 31, 1854. He was the son of John M. Miles and his wife, Elizabeth Caroline Brown (daughter of Daniel Brown and Hulda Tanner.) C. H. grew up in Iowa.  

Shared by the Kelly Family

In 1876 C.H. Miles and Miss E.A. Low were married in Iowa. C. H. and Lizzie had two daughters. Blanche Elizabeth was born May 16, 1877 at Shell Rock, Iowa, and Laura was born later in Kansas. The Miles family had moved to Kansas and Lizzie apparently died in childbirth in July 1879. Laura soon died also.

Shared by the Kelly Family

C.H. married Etta Thomas in August 1883. By 1886, C. H. and Etta had moved to Moundville, Missouri. Etta died in 1893, the same year that Miles became the principal of the brand new Cooper College.

Shared by Joy Keister

Mattie and Minnie Terpening were two of the five daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Terpening of Moundville. C. H. Miles married Minnie Terpening on Feb 24, 1895.

Shared by the Kelly Family

Minnie Terpening Miles was a leader in the Methodist Church and participated in temperance activities.

Shared by the Kelly Family

Sons of C. H. and Minnie Miles:

Herman H. Miles - born in January 1898

Manley M. Miles -born in August 1896

Shared by the Kelly Family


C. H. Miles and daughter, Hannah, who was born in 1910.

Shared by the Kelly Family

C. H. Miles died on his 74th birthday at Warsaw, Missouri where he and Minnie had lived for many years.

Shared by the Kelly Family

This grave marker is in Welborn Cemetery near Moundville for D. S. Miles and his wife, Mary A. Miles. We don't know if D. S. was related to Professor Miles or not.

If you have photos or information about the Miles or Terpening families please email Colleen Kelly.

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This genealogy page was designed and is maintained by Lyndon Irwin

The background music is "Sweet By and By"